Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Supports

When I think about my supports, it brings to mind so many different things and people.  I must first begin with who I believe is my biggest support and the one who helps me get through so many things in my life and that is God!!  He is where I get my strength to go on even when I want to give in.  Next I have to give thanks for family.  My mother and children without whom I would not be where I am.  Their continued support and encouragement is why I am currently pursuing my educational goals.  I am a single parent and it gives me so much joy to hear my children say how much I inspire them to never give up and to realize that they can have whatever they desire because of what I am doing.  We have undergone some really tough times to get to this point.  Some of them would make most people give up, but I realized that it made me stronger and more resilient. 

The people I work with are a great support system for me because when it comes to team work, I feel that we invented the word.  We have so many different programs operating within our agency, but because we work as one, the programs are seamless.  We help when and where we are needed in order to get the job done.  It is because of our Executive Director who doesn't mind getting in there and doing whatever it takes whether it's in the classroom or board room and sometimes in the bathroom.  She has not only been supportive but also my mentor.  I know her as my Supervisor, friend and Pastor. This is what helps me daily when things get overwhelming and I feel as though I cannot do anymore, she lets me know that I can because there's still so much left to do.  I work with children with special needs and their families.  I work long hours, travel quite often, spend a lot of time doing community work, attending meetings and going to school.  When I'm not doing this, I spend a lot of time in church and working with those who need my services there.  My friends, co-workers and family constantly tell me that they don't understand how I can do so much but without their constant support and encouragement, I couldn't and I often let them know this.  If it were not for prayer, love and the overwhelming support of those close to me, I don't know where I would be.

We must all realize that knowing that someone is there for you and cares, makes a difference in your life, but just as they are giving and supportive of you, you also must be just as generous with others.  I learned that a word, gesture, lending a hand or just being there can make all the difference in the world to a person no matter what state of mind they are in.  It helps to know that you're not alone and that someone believes in you.   


  1. Very good post. Yes I agree that God is our number 1 support system. Having people in our lives that care for us makes each and every day worth living. Nobody could live without support of some kind. Just as people are making a difference in your life, we also have the ability to make a difference in other peoples lives and support them. We are not alone and all of us have people that support and love us.

  2. I loved your post. It makes me realize just how important certain things that I take for granted are. Everyone needs and deserves a good support system. I could not imagine where my life would be without mine.

  3. I truly validate every word of your post,Eliza.God is indeed the number one support.He stands at the center and He also appoints the family,friends and other people that we need to support us. I am in total agreement too that we cannot be always receiving and not giving back support. Then we would be like the "Dead Sea." Thank you for your post.It does help-a kind word, a loving gesture and a helping hand-to brighten somebody's day. It reminds too of the title of a song that we were taught in church. "LOVE is something if you give it away, it comes right back to you ..."
    This blog has reminded me that we need to slow down and show more appreciation to the people we have as our support system. When we do this we will be able to better help the children in our classroom.

  4. Liz, I love your blog. To be such an inspiration for other single parents, I believe you said in your discussion that you're also a parent of a child with a disability, church worker, mother, daughter, and friend. In order to be so successful and still have time for other things that interest you, in school full time, and working a full time job as an educator( which we all know is NOT an easy job); you have to have a Faith based support system.

    Knowing that God is your ultimate supporter, makes it a little easier to understand how you play the superwoman role. It's only by HIS grace and mercy and continual prayer that you can do what you do and be so sucessful at it. Having the support from family is like no other! Having supporters from within your church is another testimony because not everybody has a religious outreach that they can call upon if and when it's needed. And lastly, having those few co-workers that can understand and lend a hand from time to time, in addition to becoming a part of your team is very nearing and dearing when deadlines are due.

    Keep Striving for Excellence!!!
