Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nutrition and Malnutrition - Worldwide Problem


            Nutrition is the act of securing proper nutrients and vitamins through food so that a person can thrive and have a healthy functioning body.  In order for this to happen, a person must have a consistently healthy diet.  In many countries, such as Africa and South Africa, this is not always the case. A number of children and adults alike suffer from the lack of nutritious foods and suffer from malnutrition, which is the lack of proper nutrition, and even starvation.  According to UNICEF, (2012), malnutrition is a major cause of death in 64% of children under the age of five in South Africa and one in five children is stunted and deficient in vitamins and mineral need for good health. (UNICEF, 2012).

            The lack, of a proper diet for children often lead to diseases that last over longer periods of time that normal and even death.  Cases of malnutrition, not only occurs in developing countries but even in a country such as the United States that is rich in excess and opportunity. 

            The New York Times (2012) reports that in parts of India 42% of children under age 5 suffer from malnutrition, which is a 20% drop from the last seven years.  This widespread problem exists in countries throughout the world and often goes unnoticed until there are reports in the news about an excessive number of deaths or widespread disease.  Things such as food and water that most of us take for granted because of its ready availability are a luxury to those who live in countries where they may not have a meal of any kind for days or weeks.  Children who experience poverty, whether here in the U.S. or in other developing nations, need help.  I give to organizations such as UNICEF and Feed The Children because of my belief that every child deserves to be cared for even if I am unable to do it personally, I can at least share financially.  I often encounter children in my workplace, who comes to school, and that is the only time during that day that they may have a meal.  It breaks my heart to know that any child, no matter where, suffers from lack of proper diet or hunger.


UNICEF South Africa – Child and maternal health.   Retrieved November 9, 2012 from:

Yardley, J. (2012). New York Times, Malnutrition Widespread in Indian Children, Report Finds.

Retrieved November 9, 2012 from:

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